Best Scalp Hairline Tattoo in New York!
Hair loss is a difficult subject to broach for many people. It is a topic that can cause embarrassment and social awkwardness, creating undue pressure and stress. Hair loss is as old as mankind itself but still far too many people are left to deal with this unfair stigma in silence.
While the scientific search for a permanent cure for baldness continues, recent advances in medical technology has seen an exciting new treatment become available that was never before possible. This simple technique has changed the lives of thousands of men and women in both the UK and America.
The Skalp™ Micropigmentation solution has revolutionised the hair restoration industry, offering people the chance to regain their hairline and, just as importantly, their confidence. This breakthrough procedure avoids the need to undergo invasive surgery and its adaptability allows it to be applied to men, no matter their age, colour or stage of hair-loss.
Skalp™ lead the way in breaking down outdated taboos and fears associated with hair loss. You may have read about their amazing technique in Men’s Health, or seen their exclusive features on ITV and Channel 4’s Bodyshockers in the UK.
What makes their micropigmentation treatment so effective is the ability to offer such consistent coverage. A front, side or rear hairline can be simulated to give the look of a full head of hair. It can also be used to complement a recent hair transplant operation, or help to camouflage any scarring, alopecia or birthmarks.
How it works couldn’t be easier. Using a micro needle application, Skalp’s fully qualified and highly skilled practitioners are able to create a permanent medical hairline tattoo, which in most cases only takes 2-3 sessions to complete. In order to create the most realistic finish to match the existing texture of your hair follicles, 3-4 pigment shades are used to ensure the best accuracy possible.
Best of all, it doesn’t matter if you are in the early or latter stages of hair loss because the Skalp™ Micropigmentation treatment can perfectly restore a full or partial hairline.
There are six stages involved, with each one carefully implemented to guarantee you get the most out of the application. Skalp offer a free consultation as the first step so you can find out everything you need about the process, while their staff talk through the best options available to you. If you decide to proceed, you will then see an invaluable and free virtual hairline mock-up of how it will look once finished.
The treatment process itself is spread across 2-3 sessions, with each one lasting up to 4 hours, depending on the depth of micropigmentation required. Once perfection has been reached the service doesn’t stop there. Their aftercare support provides detailed advice to help customers keep their scalp in the best condition.
With clinics located in the UK and US in New York, Skalp™ is an accessible procedure open to a vast majority of the country. Rather than just take my word for it, get in touch and discover how it can change your life.
For more information call Toll-free 1-855-752-5787 or email
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