Category Archives: Pets
Best Poo Pee Pads
Are you buying your dog’s pee pads from a local retail pet shop?
Now you can buy professional quality PooPeePads™ direct – and save! Prices start at $32.99 for 300 pads and as low as $31.34 for 2 or more cases – including FREE delivery!
I have a Yorkie and we live on the third floor of our building. Pad training her saved my life from running up and down those stairs! And PooPeePads has saved me HUNDREDS of DOLLARS over the years!
All are first quality pads with sealed edges, tear-resistant top sheet and leak-proof backing. Their scented pad will attract your pet for easier training. (My puppy learned that when she pee’d on the pad, she got a treat!)
Their pad’s special construction absorbs up to twice as much as the leading competitors. And their pads are up to 35% less expensive!
PooPeePads™ will save you money, protect your floors and make house training a breeze!
PLUS they also have pads that fit the Tidy Cat Breeze litter system and Bird & Animal Cage Liners!
And don’t just take my word for it – they get great reviews!
Finding an Apartment with your Dog or Cat in New York
Finding a pet friendly apartment anywhere can be a real challenge, but perhaps no place more than in New York City. For some people, opting to get rid of their pet is the hard choice they make, but for those that need emotional support animals, that simply is not an option. With obstacles like high costs and landlords unwilling to make accommodations, this is a very real problem for a lot of people. This is where steps in and can help you keep your animal.
Pet Friendly Apartments in New York
When you talk about apartments in New York, there are a few neighborhoods that immediately come to mind. Those include the Upper East Side, Brooklyn, Long Island City, SoHo, Chelsea, and the West Village. The hard truth is the more likely a neighborhood is to be in high demand, the higher the cost and the more restrictions you’ll come across in your search. A pet friendly apartment in Astoria often starts at over $2200 per month for a studio space and that doesn’t even take into account the high pet deposits. Apartments in the areas of Midtown, Park Slope, Williamsburg, and East Village will run even higher. By the time you add in deposits, apartments even in Greenpoint, Bushwick, or the Upper West Side may become completely out of the budget consideration for many. For those that can afford it, the limited options for apartments often make for some very unexpected practices such as offering double rent or paying triple deposits to try to get an animal accepted into the building. Unfortunately, a few unscrupulous landlords may well take advantage of those who need an emotional support animal to line their own pockets in those areas where pet accommodating housing is in the shortest supply. There is a small light at the end of the tunnel. Even apartments that do not allow pets, must allow a service animal and emotional support animals.
Getting an Emotional Support Animal Letter
If you want to avoid high costs and unfair discrimination, you can contact to get an emotional support animal letter (ESA Letter). The process is simple and utilizes tele-health services. You fill out their brief ESA Questionnaire and a licensed therapist will be in touch with your shortly after. Read more about how to get an ESA letter here.
Please do keep in mind though that having an emotional support animal does not give your companion a license to be a nuisance. Landlords can still ask you to leave if your ESA becomes a disturbance to others in the building and you can’t let your animal cause damages. That is also grounds for asking you to move.
There is also a chance that neighbors will not feel you really need a support animal and are just using the system to bring pets into a no pet building. They may not know what a very real medical condition mental health issues are. Not everyone understands that as many as 1 in 5 or 20% of the US population have some sort of mental illness and that not all disabilities are something you can see. This can make for hostile living conditions and unwarranted complaints to the landlord. These types of obstacles may even increase the need for your emotional support animal since stressors like these can cause additional anxiety attacks even in those who generally have their symptoms well under control and appear to be a “perfectly normal” person.
Living with Your Emotional Support Animal in an Apartment
Those who need emotional support or other service animals understand how real even invisible disabilities are. These animals become vital to the survival of those people. The people who need them need to know that there are apartments available to them, in every part of New York from Astoria to the West Village. They need to know they can find a great apartment without being pushed into situations that are more than a little questionable. Knowing your rights as a person with a disability can go a long way in making sure you and your assistance animal find the right home. After all, home is where you are supposed to be most at ease.
To qualify for an emotional support animal letter please contact They will pair you with a top mental health professional and secure the legal documents for you to live with your dog, cat, or other animal.
Best Pee Pads for Dogs
Do you currently use Pee pads?
or about to get a new puppy, and want to train your pup to use pads?
These are the BEST PRICED PADS !!
If you live several floors about the street and have a dog, PEE PADS CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! I live on the 3rd floor of a building and got a Yorkie and after the first week of running up and down the stairs to take her outside to do her business, a friend suggested these pads. WHAT A LIFE SAVER! She learned very quickly, that if she pee’d or pooped on the pads, she got a treat!
Buying them from the local pet store was VERY EXPENSIVE. Now you can buy professional quality PooPeePads™ direct – and save!
Prices start at $32.99 for 300 pads and as low as $27.99 for 3 cases – including FREE delivery!
All are first quality pads with sealed edges, tear-resistant top sheet and leak-proof backing. The scented pad will attract your pet for easier training. Please note scenting is not a fragrance
it’s an attractant only the dogs can smell.
The special construction absorbs up to twice as
much as the leading competitors. And these pads are up to 35% less expensive!
PooPeePads™ will save you money, protect your floors and make house training a breeze!
Blind Yorkie Needs Home in New York
Poor little Mitchell; who could be so cruel? The ten-year-old blind Yorkshire terrier is so afraid when he was picked up by New York City Animal Care and Control and brought to the Brooklyn shelter this past week. Some miserable culprit had spray painted little Mitchell green on his face, in his eyes, and on his back soaking right into the skin of his caudal spine. (base of his spine)
Mitchell was brought in on October 22, and is due out and ready for rescue on Sunday, October 25. According to his medical notes, even though he is extremely stressed, Mitchell did allow handling although it is advised to move very slowly as this little guy must have been through more than most animal advocates even want to know. The emaciated, six-pound dog is heavily matted around his legs and face and has extensive dental issues, however no flea infestation or active parasites were noted. A volunteer writes the following: “Mitchell is a 10 year old Yorkie mix who came in as a stray- matted and emaciated. During Mitchell’s medical exam, it was noted that he is also BLIND. This little guy needs some TLC- Can you give him some?”
When making inquiries about Mitchell, reference A1055686. For more information on adopting from the New York City Animal Care and Control, click here. A Facebook page for Mitchell can be found here. To adopt from the General Adoption List, click here. To adopt from the At Risk List, click here. Please share Mitchell’s story with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives, and every life counts.
Hunks and Hounds by Mike Ruiz
Louie’s Legacy Animal Rescue, is the organization behind a genius calendar that combines handsome shirtless men with adorable, adoptable doggies.
The 2015 calendar, fittingly called “Hunks and Hounds,” benefits Louie’s Legacy financially and also promotes animal welfare.
“The message of the calendar is that we should all be kind to animals and protect them from harm,” says Mike Ruiz, a celebrity photographer who shot the calendar’s images.
Ruiz is well-known for LGBT advocacy on top of his animal rescue work. And he’s appeared in front of the camera himself for the Show Your Soft Side anti-cruelty campaign, with his much-loved, very spoiled pit bull Oliver, who was adopted in 2012.
“I can’t imagine a life without him,” Ruiz says.
For those wondering one final question: Yes, it is possible that some of the human Hunks and Hounds models are also available.
“As far as I know, and I know a lot, they are all single,” says Ruiz. “I just hope that people enjoy the images, and that they are reminded daily that adopting and loving an animal is the most humane thing a person can do. I hope we sell a million so that Louie’s Legacy can broaden their services to be able to help more dogs find forever homes.”
Order your Hunks and Hounds calendar at and check out more Louie’s Legacy adoptable animals on Facebook.
New Yorks Dog Poop Problems
But lets face it , dog poop is gross.
It’s hard to imagine eight million people trying to avoid dog refuse on
the streets of New York City on a daily basis. It’s harder not to
imagine New Yorkers from all walks of life picking up after their
canines. Using plastic bags or trendy, mechanized devices, pet owners
have become a unified force in cleaning up the sidewalks of the Big
Apple. We forget that Health Law 1310, which went into effect in 1978,
was the first such legislation to work in a major city, and that the
strange custom of scooping in New York continues to influence
communities around the world. READ THE BOOK – New York’s Poop Scoop Law: Dogs, the Dirt, and Due Process (New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond)
How do you pick up your dogs poop?
owners pick it up with a non-biodegradable plastic bag. They “recycle”
(re-use) one of those plastic bags from the grocery store. They pick up
the poop and throw it away. Those are just about the worst invention EVER!
But then what happens? It gets sent
off somewhere, to live on forever and ever and ever.
may not think about it, but chances are if you have a dog you’re creating
excess waste, somewhere. There are approximately 78.2 million owned dogs in the
United States. That’s a lot of poop!
NOW – We have better choice! A smarter Green solution!
Paul Cannella, the owner of Chicago-based, created a solution.
Cannella’s PoopBags are 100 percent TOTALLY biodegradable dog waste bags —
Made from corn starch and other renewable resources, PoopBags are shelf stable products that will degrade, after use, at the same rate as the core of an apple.
“I used to always run out of bags for my dog, May. I started grabbing extra bags when I could: my Mom would save them for me, I always asked for double-bagging, etc. I started looking for sources on the web and discovered just how bad plastic bags were for the environment.” says Paul.
In 2003, there were very few resources for biodegradable bags — and it remains true today. While many claim to be biodegradable, only a couple actually meet the ASTM D6400 specification, which allows you to legally claim your product is biodegradable.“
Check out Poop for an assortment of items!
The ORIGINAL and the BEST Poop Bags!
Dolphin In New York’s East River this Week
lot of water,” said Kimberly Durham, rescue program director for the Riverhead Foundation, meaning that the dolphin was covering a lot of territory. “But he intrigues me.”
As of noon, the dolphin would swim in one direction for a couple of
minutes, then turn around and swim back, remaining in the area roughly
bounded by the East 90s of Manhattan, Randalls Island and the end of
Astoria Boulevard in Queens.
The Riverhead Foundation noted on its Facebook page:
have documented four occasions of reports of cetaceans in or near the
East River since 2010. Three of those events were in February and March
timeframe. In all four events, intervention was not deemed necessary and
the animals did leave the area without further sighting reports.”
usually travel in groups, though, and Ms. Durham added, “a bottlenose
dolphin alone is definitely something that gives me a little bit of
It is unusual for dolphins to swim in the waters around Manhattan, but it is not unheard of.
In 2010 there were four separate sightings.
Dolphins are used to a cleaner environment than the East River, and
the 30-billion gallons of sewage and water that the river contains may
not be good for the dolphin’s health.
“They come from very pristine waters, so it’s conceivable their
immune system may be unprotected from these pulses of bacteria,” said
Riverkeeper John lipscomb.
The mammal was spotted in the water again Thursday morning.
As of this writing, we have not heard any further updates.
What: Doggupy (#Doggupy) is an organized protest in New York City
uniting dogs and their owners in the cause to bring dogs everywhere
better food. Dog lovers (with or without their furry friends) can join
the pet food revolution by signing a pawtition
to raise donations of wholesome food for local shelter dogs through
the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals.
will rally, learn about nutrition for their pet, receive free samples
and take pictures while “liberating the bowl.” The
event in Union Square is just the beginning of the movement. Consumers can also sign a pawtition on Facebook help Merrick donate real, wholesome food to dogs in need.”
Tuesday, October 2 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
*This space is Doggupied — arrive between 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. and
enter to win a year’s supply of food. Ten prizes will be awarded.
Where: Union Square, New York City – NW Corner (Union Square W and E 17th Street)
Why: United we sit. Together we stay. Because dogs deserve real
food and should eat what people eat, for those that join the revolution
by attending Doggupy — furry or not — Merrick Pet Care will donate food
to local shelter animals in partnership with
the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals.
Who: Merrick Pet Care Inc., a leader in the super-premium pet
food category, is declaring a pet food revolution — a revolution in a
dog bowl — with its announcement of a new line of dog food entrees that
brings pet food to an entirely new level. With
a mission to create the most nutritious and wholesome food it can to
help families take better care of their pets. Made in the USA with only
the freshest, locally grown ingredients, the entrees provide balanced
nutrition, with health you can see in your dog’s
bowl, and more importantly, in your dog.
Bergdorf Goodmans UNLEASHED Holiday Dog Video
To me, Bergdorf Goodman is one of the greatest stores – with the greatest holiday windows in New York City.
Last year they gave us a sneak peak behind the scenes look at how their amazing windows come to life.
This year, they have created a wonderful little video with a cast of dogs! UNLEASHED.
The Holiday Windows are up, lights are
hanging on Fifth Avenue, and there’s a line at the airport — it must be
time for our holiday video. “Unleashed” is here and it’s ready to
rumble around the internet. BG has always been a dog-friendly store but
for “Unleashed” we got downright intimate. Dogs had free run through
the store (the filming took place at 5am) and as you’ll see, they took
full advantage.
We were very happy to work with the Humane Society of New York,
which has been helping animals in need since 1904. We hope you enjoy
it — and we want to see photos of your dogs for an upcoming project, so
start planning your portraits.
Now it’s time to meet Salty and the rest of the pack. WATCH NOW
It’s Me or the DOG! Casting now in New York City
Is your dog turning your life upside down?
The hit show from
the producers of
Supernanny and
The Real Housewives of New York
“It’s me or the dog” Season 4 is seeking:
- Real life “characters” with big personalities!
- Outrageous dogs with out-of-control behavior
- High stakes relationships where someone is saying, “It’s me or the dog!”
If your dog’s behavior is causing high drama in the household, and heated arguments are an everyday occurrence, we want to hear from you!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the premise of our show, there must be at least two or more people living in the home.
We’re currently seeking a fantastic gay couple whose lives and relationship are being turned upside down by their dogs’ out-of-control behavior.
If you haven’t seen the seen show, it’s hosted by world-class dog trainer, Victoria Stilwell, who intervenes to resolve these escalated situations. (See more at
Holidays and Dogs from Best
Frazzled from shopping yet? Tired of the crowds?
This will put a smile on your face!
Watch these adorable dogs decorate cookies and get ready to celebrate the holidays in style. They’re not only spreading good cheer, they have an important message to share— Make a holiday wish come true for a homeless dog or cat…ADOPT!
Best Friends Animal Society is a nonprofit organization building no-kill programs and partnerships that will bring about a day when there are No More Homeless Pets®. At the core of Best Friends’ work is the dream that one day kindness will replace cruelty, and animals will no longer be destroyed because they are unwanted or imperfect. Spaying and neutering will be the rule for all pets and adoption will be the first option for everyone. Making this dream a reality is the mission we call No More Homeless Pets. The society’s leading initiatives in animal care and community programs are coordinated from its Kanab, Utah, headquarters, the country’s largest no-kill sanctuary. This work is made possible by the personal and financial support of a grassroots network of supporters and community partners across the nation. For more information visit:
(there are lots of fun videos on their site – sure to make you smile!)
Yorkshire Terrier Number One in New York City
this year in the US.
However, it is the number one dog,
for the second year in a row,
“New York City loves their small dogs,” said Lisa Peterson, spokeswoman for the American Kennel Club, which released the list of the most popular pure breeds. “It just reinforces the fact that New Yorkers live a busy, fast-paced lifestyle and need their portable pooches.”
Read More about Yorkies!
The Best of Gay New York
Schmitty and Pudge – Yorkies Twittering and Tweeting in Manhattan for Charity
Even more unbelievable – the two cute Yorkies were taking pet trick requests from followers on Twitter who were watching online from all over – even Egypt and Japan.
This Friday and Saturday, Dec, 11th and 12th, Schmitty and Pudge will once again be taking pet trick requests on Twitter in the store window of Lee’s Art Shop in Manhattan to benefit pets in need. Some of the popular requests also include their show stopping “Ring the Bell” trick, hide & seek, play dead, roll over, and speak. Passers-by and online followers alike even enjoy watching them sleep – which they do a lot. Schmitty & Pudge are becoming America’s real live virtual pets.
Besides taking donations, Schmitty’s Healthy Do’s & Don’ts 2010 calendar along Schmitty’s signature New Yorkie products sold at Lee’s Art Shop and online, they are giving a portion of the proceeds to Bobbi & The Strays – a local no-kill animal shelter. Lee’s Art Shop is matching the funds raised during the “New Yorkie In The Window” event.
Schmitty The Real New Yorkie is no stranger to giving back. Through her line of New Yorkie Greeting Cards, this five pound Yorkshire terrier began raising money for the Uniformed Firefighters Association Scholarship Fund after 9/11. Now through the Dogs Who Care Foundation, started in response to Hurricane Katrina, Schmitty The Real New Yorkie raises money to help pets in need find loving homes.
Schmitty has been on The Ellen Show, ACCESS Hollywood, Fox & Friends – even Japanese TV to bark about DOGS WHO CARE. A portion of the proceeds from all Schmitty’s products goes to Dogs Who Care to help pets in need across the country.