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Lady Bunny @ Stonewall EXTENDED
starring Lady Bunny
“Lady Bunny would make an excellent professor… But Trans-Jester, her new delightfully filthy one-queen show, provides the kind of history lessons (in politics, in drag culture, in gender) and trenchant cultural analysis for which students regularly go into debt, all for the price of a show and a drink. Plus, does your favorite professor rock a platinum bouffant, heels, and a sequined minidress, all while performing an Adele parody featuring guest vocals from her ass? Probably not.” -Gothamist
“Watching Lady Bunny perform at Stonewall Inn feels like sitting down at a dance club and listening to someone artfully complain; that’s exactly what the show is.” –Refinery29“Bunny throws down the gauntlet by making a distinction between her post-Holly Woodlawn badass drag self and the gay-world trans stereotype that some people relegate her to.” -The New Yorker
Due to Popular Demand and Sold-Out Shows, TRANS-JESTER is Extended !!
Wed Nov 2
Thurs Nov 3
Friday Nov 4
Wed Nov 9
Thurs Nov 10
Friday Nov 11
Wed Nov 16
Wed Nov 23
Wed Nov 30 (Tenatative, unconfirmed)
Wed Dec 7
Wed Dec 14
Wed Dec 21
Wed Dec 28
All Confirmed Dates Will Be Listed at Ticket Link:
http://www.brownpapertickets. com/event/2594512
In addition to new parodies of selections from Adele, Rent and Bruno Mars to hilarious, effect punctuated by zany Laugh-In style zingers, Bunny has widened her repertoire to include insightful social commentary. (Well, she thinks it’s insightful, anyway.) Targetting the current overemphasis on political correctness, Bunny breaks down some of the latest buzzwords that we’re all supposed to remember for every for every occasion as we “evolve.” Sometimes, Bunny feels, that we’re actually evolving away from common sense! Take the new name for our community–LGBTIA. Does anyone even know what that means?
Stonewall is an intimate venue, so please reserve now to guarantee seats! The tickets are a low $19.99–as cheap as her humor–and there may be tickets for cash only at the door after the online sales close nightly at 5:30PM. (There usually are.) There is a two-drink minimum and but there is no drink maximum, and Bunny’s singing will drive anyone to drink. Doors open at 6PM and seating is first come, first serve.
Please note: This show is raunchy. Not politically correct by definition–that’s the whole point. So if that’s not your cup of tea, you should honestly skip it. Or prepare to grab a drink and laugh, cheer and possibly even be challenged by a salty old kook who isn’t afraid to express herself from a viewpoint which is often unique.
Trans-Jester is written by Lady Bunny and Facebook sensation Beryl Mendelbaum.
53 Christopher Street
53 Christopher Street
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