BOYCOTT Out Hotel and Fire Island Pines Project


Gay men  using Gay Money  to Fund  ANTI  GAY Politics!

  • Boycott Fire Island Pines Establishments (Pavilion, Low Tea, High Tea, Botel, Botel Barracks, Pool Deck, Harbor Club, Blue Whale, Cultured Elephant), Out NYC Hotel, and XL Nightclub after owners hold reception for Senator Ted Cruz.


    Whether the issue is marriage or protection from discrimination, Sen. Ted Cruz has consistently opposed equality for LGBT Americans. And he’s gone even further, attacking fellow Republicans for marching in pride parades, and using his opposition to marriage to win his first Senate campaign.

    imagine an America where gays forever stay second class citizens


    Marriage: Ted Cruz led the charge to deny Texas couples marriage equality. In the Senate, he has supported a constitutional amendment that would prevent the federal government from recognizing marriage equality.
    Discrimination: Cruz has consistently opposed granting protections to LGBT Americans. Cruz has opposed both local ordinances in Texas that would protect LGBT Americans, and ENDA’s explicit federal workplace protections.

    Conversion Therapy: Cruz has refused to speak out against “conversion therapy” that coerces minors into “treatment” that can lead to depression and suicide.

    Harmful Rhetoric: Cruz has no problem about using equality as a wedge issue against fellow Republicans – he’s attacked Republicans for appearing in pride parades and suggested that he believes being gay is a “choice.” He even bragged about intervening in a case to stop a civil union.

    Significant Findings on Marriage Equality

    Says marriage is between “one man and one woman”

    Pledged to introduce Federal Constitutional Amendment opposing marriage equality

    Introduced The State Marriage Defense Act (twice) which would cede definition of marriage to states for federal purposes

    Opposed Proposition 8 ruling

    Ran for Senate based on his opposition to marriage equality

    Bragged about intervening to prevent recognition of civil union

    Said people can “vote with their feet” if they don’t like living in a state without marriage equality.


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