NY Posts Andrea Peyser calls Chaz A Drag On Us
IN Monday’s edition of the New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser took it upon herself to find fault with Chaz doing what he has done and in the commentary titled “Chaz a real drag for gay community” not only shows her ignorance of being transgender but also knows nothing of the story of Chaz’s decision to seek his true self and in what this writer and I would dare say others who read the column would classify Peyser’s commentary as nothing less than homophobic.
Peyser uses a couple of LGBT groups or websites and their indignation over Chaz plus spews her own venom as in this opening sentence, Now — to her mom’s horror and the dismay of her lesbian girlfriend — she’s transformed. Chastity has morphed into the body of a plump, seemingly happy-go-lucky, middle-aged guy named Chaz.
Our buddy and AP Award Winning Journalist LYNDON EVANS gives his 2 cents over at Focus on the Rainbow. It’s a MUST-READ!
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