Q The Series – Online Video Show From Columbia Students

“Q” is a comedic miniseries, which is to be aired online, about a queer group of friends in college and the antics they get into. 

It’s a comedy about queer life on campus that addresses a wide range of topics in the LGBT community and how our generation deals with them — the main characters include trans, bisexual, pansexual, and homosexual guys and girls.

Being a comedy, the show focuses on the positive aspects of living in a community and generation that’s closer to accepting queer lifestyles, but also addresses the natural tensions that can arise.

Currently, it is still in production (for an online release and advanced screening next spring), but they are  trying to get awareness out now and already have a trailer for the series up online. 

The show is produced completely by students in the city, mostly from Columbia University, and is a non-profit endeavor. Funding has been generously provided by the Gatsby Foundation (providing many on-campus arts grants), and equipment has been donated by Columbia University Film Productions (an undergraduate film club). The remaining funding will hopefully be raised through our Kickstarter account.

It’s the aim of the cast and crew to spread awareness of the different lifestyles that exist in our generation — we really want to show the fun side of being a young adult in this new cultural era. Our production team is working to make the best show out of everything we’ve got.

The show will be shooting over the month of January, and is planned for release over the months of March and April. The first few episodes of the show will be screened to our supporters and crew in New York City before the release of the series.

Check out Q The Series !    Also join them on Facebook !

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