Ronnie Kroell Presents An Evening with Miss New York November 12
and conversation
with Miss New York!
in support of the Miss New York Organization and the Children’s Miracle Network! This will be one of a few parties before Claire goes to Miss America, and we’d love to see you! AND your friends!! So bring them all!!
Friday, Nov 12 6:30-9:30
La Pomme Nightclub
Tickets at Miss New York
ONLY $10 and VIP $150
“It has truly been my honor to open and lead conversations about equality,
fairness, respect and the freedom to love and be loved.
This is not about us vs. them, it is about WE – as human beings.
This battle is not one of gay rights; it is about human rights.
In fact, it is not even about rights, it is simply about equality.
Bullying has become an epidemic that has plagued our schools and is spreading wildly
over the internet and mobile technology. It has to stop.
The more visible we all are in schools, in sports, on television,
in office and in the pews, together, we are literally saving lives.”
– Claire Buffie, Miss New York 2010
Can’t come? Still make a donation at Miss New York /
We’ll also have Claire’s Miss America “I ♥ Miss New York” Tshirts on sale
Ronnie Kroell and a host of other fabulous people are behind this event! Senator Thomas K. Duane, New York, Joy Behar, The View & Joy Behar Show, Leanza Cornett Steines, Miss America 1992, Randy Jones, The Village People, Andy Cohen, Bravo Network VP, DeMarko Majors, LOGO Network Reality Star, Josh Vandiver & Henry Velandia, Activist Couple, Doric Wilson, Playwright & Stonewall Veteran, Dave Koz, Musician & Radio Host!
See Claire on Gay Rights !
Find Clair on Facebook !
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