Chelsea Storefront with Steamy Gay Massage Show by ManWorks is Shut Down by NYPD
Fabulous window displays
are nothing new in NYC! is an online directory for male bodyworkers, massage therapists and masseurs. It is the world’s largest gay massage site. As a promotional idea, they decided to unveil a Amsterdam-style “Dutch window” showing a live, man-on-man sensual massage demonstration in the window of The Blue Store on 8th Ave. in Chelsea.
Witnesses say it was a stunning attraction, small groups of onlookers gazed in awe and delight while the masseur Gio worked on the body of a handsome fellow. As one cop car drove by without stopping, it seemed the window would be able go on unscathed by police disruption; however, not an hour and a half into the live demonstration did another police car arrive.
One officer demanded the window be shut down. When asked “Why?” by Daniel Lee,’s director, the policeman could only vaguely claim that a permit was needed to have such a window display and for causing sidewalk obstructing attention. Pressed further, he could not exactly cite what law the window was allegedly violating. Other attempts to engage the officer in discussion was met with a curt, “Do you even work here? Shut this down NOW!” Lee halted the window to get legal counsel before deciding whether or not to defy the police, who by then drove off.
Should the window have been stopped? There was no nudity, no simulated sex, nothing lewd. Does Macys’ need a permit for their Christmas windows when tourists and other onlookers jam up 34th Street? Would the Manworks window have been shut down if it were a hetero pairing? Is it illegal for a man to touch another man on public display? You would think, New York City of all places, this would fly.
There’s a feature in AM NY newspaper – and Michael Musto posted an item on his Village Voice blog as well (+ another photo).
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