More News from Fringe Festival – The Boys Upstairs from Jason Mitchell

Sex, Dating, Friendship, and all the blurry lines in between…The Boys Upstairs invites you into the fabulous living room of Josh, Seth, and Ashley.

These three Hell’s Kitchen Boys encounter all of the challenges, thrills, disappointments, tops and bottoms that young adult New York life has to offer.

Seth is falling in love with his older boyfriend while attempting to seek approval from his single best friends.

Ashley feeds on the variety, availability and accessibility of men in Manhattan.
Josh finds inspiration from the antics of his two besties and his own humorously disastrous trials with dating and funnels it all into his newest writing concept.

Just when these three settle into a rhythm of celebrating life and then analyzing it the next morning, they are all thrown for a loop when their incredibly hot neighbor Eric moves in below them. The “is he or isn’t he” question is just one of many that these city boys ponder with style, scandal, and specialty cocktails!

Written by: Jason Mitchell   THE BOYS UPSTAIRS will be playing at the The New York International Fringe Festival August 15-28.
Tickets on sale now  for  $15.      For tickets call 866.468.7619 or visit  FRINGE NYC.

SoHo Playhouse,  15 Vandam Street

SAT 8/15 @ 2:30 – 4:05     SUN 8/16 @ 12:30–2:05
TUE 8/18 @ 7:00–8:35        THUR 8/27 @ 5:00–6:35        FRI 8/28 @ 7:00–8:35

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