It’s Me or the DOG! Casting now in New York City

Is your dog turning your life upside down?

The hit show from
the producers of

Supernanny and
The Real Housewives of New York



“It’s me or the dog” Season 4 is seeking:

    • Real life “characters” with big personalities!

    • Outrageous dogs with out-of-control behavior

    • High stakes relationships where someone is saying, “It’s me or the dog!”


    If your dog’s behavior is causing high drama in the household, and heated arguments are an everyday occurrence, we want to hear from you!


    PLEASE NOTE: Due to the premise of our show, there must be at least two or more people living in the home.

    We’re  currently seeking a fantastic gay couple whose lives and relationship are being turned upside down by their dogs’ out-of-control behavior.

    If you haven’t seen the seen show, it’s hosted by world-class dog trainer, Victoria Stilwell, who intervenes to resolve these escalated situations. (See more at 



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