New York DJ Hottie Scottie Thomson Talks with Ambiente

In the middle of the delicious madness that has become Miami Beach Gay
Pride week – all the parties, bodies & beats – in to town came an  unassuming and gentle blond boy.  

He could easily blend into the crowd of
surfers, hot & tanned bodies clubgoers that make up the daily South Beach
magic – that is until he starts to spin and takes you for a whirlwind ride on
the dance floor.

Now you are in DJ Scott Thomson’s World, so let your self  go, bounce about and take your shirts off if you dare!    

       Coming from a well bread upbringing in New York, Scott has spent
much of his time as a competitive sailboat racer & an uptown corporate
job – Gucci suits and all – to now burning up the turntables in New York City
and now the world, reflects a bit for AMBIENTE.

Read the full article  at  AMBIENTE!


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